Quality time with little brother and the worlds worst cookies

The fall became winter and December came to California. As always the wind was blowing and the rain was pouring down. The difference in Sweden is that I don't have to watch out for palm leaves crashing down on my head! They are bigger and heavier than you'd think and after some rain you can see those big branches/leaves blocking the roads. Once I actually saw a giant palm tree being towed away on a truck, it must have fallen over!
One day I was taking care of Matteo during the day which is unusual but it was because the nanny wasn't working. I was supposed to drop him off with grandpa so he could take his nap while I went to pick up his brother from school. But grandpa all of a sudden couldn't make it to the house on time so I had to bring Matteo with me to the school in Palo Alto. He is always so fun to hang out with and I love taking the responsibility of several kids at once even though it's a ton of work. We had so much fun waiting for Daniel to come out from school. A neighbor of the school has two golden retrivers who loves pushing tennis balls under the fence so that kids can play fetch with them and Matteo was no exception! Daniel was so happy and surprised to see his brother picking him up too so I had two happy boys with me in the car. I met up with Lucille at Daniel's swim class so she could take him there and I brought Matteo home. Of course he fell asleep so I couldn't move him because ones he wakes up, he's up! So I sat there outside the house totally bored. Luckily he only slept for 40 minutes. Although he was very grumpy and refused to go anywhere, he just wanted to stay in the car, haha!
I took two classes that week. The chocolate truffle class was awesome and so fun! The teacher had written a booking/baking book and had a mirror above her desk so we could see what she was doing. Then we got to make our own truffels in seperate tiny kitchens. It was very professional and I learned a lot. Therefore the Christmas cookie class I took a few days later was a huge disappointment. It was the same teacher as for the Cream puff pastry class and as always we just had to watch her bake, we didn't get to do it ourselves. BOORING! And this class was nothing but a disaster. All of the cookies were made out of the same dough and consisted of three or four ingredients. They tasted incredibly dry, boring and depressing. Then the teacher spent half an hour trying to show us how to wrap Christmas presents in a creative way but she couldn't even wrap them herself! She just kept screwing it up while we all sat there bored out of our minds! We were supposed to take cookies home with us (not that I wanted them) but for some reason she didn't count us before the class started so she didn't have enough for us all. She tried making it up by sending us home with a Santa napkin and a couple of plastic bags that we could use to wrap up cookies with. For someone who loves baking I can tell you that baking cookies is one of the easiest things there is. Adding some flavor in there and creating simple and yet delicious cookies isn't that hard. So I was very surprised that this teacher considered these cookies to be soo amazing. When I came home I told Nick it was as if someone had been trying to teach him to boil pasta. Such a waste of time and money for me but at least I got the last few school credits I needed.
Saw these Finger Limes at Whole Foods, I have never heard of it :P
And the Whole Foods baking section is nothing to complain about
Warning for palm tree
Going to get big brother!
Daniel happily walking to the car after being surprised by us :)
Aaand he's out ;)
Chocolate truffle class - the teachers truffles
I was very proud of mine! Nick was surprisingly impressed too, haha. He more than loved them :D Except for the one with salt of course since I had accidentally rolled the truffles in it completely when I was just supposed to put a few pieces of salt on top. I wasn't around when Nick tasted the salty one but he was apparently dying, hahaha :P poor thing
Ugh, Christmas cookie class... the few cookies I got to take home with me I ended up throwing away on my way to the car.

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