Summer days

The summer days rolled by pretty fast! Much faster than I thought they would! The kids went to several camps and these pictures are from the last day of a camp which I believe was about superheroes and science. It only lasted for a week but the kids seemd to like this one.
Oh this cheeky little monkey ;)

We saw the wedding ceremony between Ying and Matthew live from Las Vegas :) Ying was my host family's first au pair and she's become a good friend of mine. Very happy for the newlywed couple!

I brought some marble potatoes to Nick's house to get ideas on how to cook them. I usually just boil them and thrown them around in some butter. But I just loved what he did with them! He fried them and seasoned them so perfectly. Yum!!
Lol, dramaqueen and sillyhead all at once
Me and Mr Charles
It was Bryan's birthday so we all gathered at a bar to celebrate him and enjoy the company of some awesome people :) John, Rachel and Jacqui were all there of course as they are awesome people ;)
I went ahead and got my hair cut... finally! The funny thing is that now, a month later, my hair looks tooootally different than in these pictures :P haha. You'll find out soon enough.
A strange and drama-filled evening had a spectacular sky at least ;) This evening was honestly nuts but it's pretty funny now that we look back on it. And we made a new friend who was so happy about mine and Nick's engagement that she started crying! Haha aww!

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