Planning a rock n roll wedding!!

It's pretty funny that me and my sister got engaged at the same time. I told my sister about the engagement a few days before announcing it. And she said "Oh, well then I can might as well tell you that me and my boyfriend are getting engaged too!". They had ordered their rings already and exactly a week after mine and Nick's engagement they made theirs official. They have been together for 8 years so it's about time!
Nick and I actually decided that we wanted to get married a whole month before we even made it official. But when we updated our Facebook relationship status we wanted the offical day to be around the time that we were looking at rings. Since we both have our OCD-issues we cringed when we saw that the date was 19th of August. Uneven number? No way, haha! It was midnight, so what the heck, we decided that our engagement date should be the 18th ;) I love that we are both like that. There are certain things that differ with our OCD. I have a bigger problem with germs and he has a bigger problem with having a mess around him. But we understand each others anxiety and therefore have a lot of patience when the other person is freaking out.
Since I have to go back to Sweden to finish my teaching degree it feels a lot better to have a ring around my finger knowing that he'll be here waiting for me. The other options would have been to get a work visa but that is extremly hard to get, or to get a student visa which would be ridiculous since it costs a lot of money to study here and I already have a college degree! Even though neither one of us are the marrying type we are actually having fun planning the wedding. We are trying not to plan all of the details now because it's better that we stay busy doing that through Skype when we are away from each other, so that perhaps time flies by faster. But this rock n roll wedding will be awesome! We could have gone our whole lives without getting married, because all we care about is living together. I don't need a ring around my finger to prove anything. Especially since that is a religious symbol and the wedding is a religious ceremony, which neither one of us is a big fan of. But it feels totally right to go through with this since we'll do this wedding our way.

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