Awesome day with awesome friends

Jon and Kristie came over for a BBQ. They brought tons of food that Nick and Kristie spent hours on making into a delicious meal :) Although at BBQ's like these everyone tends to eat whatever is ready, so we had plenty of leftovers because everyone got full before all of the food was even cooked :P Kristie and Nick sang the soundtrack to "The goofy movie" which apparently was a big part of their childhood. I had never seen it so I watched it with Nick one night and I loved it! After eating, singing and playing games we decided to head over to Effie's. We had a blast listening to all of the karaoke singers, inclcuding Nick and Kristie of course. Nick was all over the place and even got up on the tables to dance, haha.
Kristie drew my nick name "Cali" on my arm and I gotta say I liked it.. it represents my nick name and one of my favorite places in the world. So I'm thinking of getting something similar as a tattoo one day :)
Ready to go to Effie's!!!

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