26 tooth brushes and dressing like a star
Amanda was so funny one week when she kept asking me why I dressed like a movie star! I wore two sweaters that she hadn't seen before and apparently that was a big enough change for me to have completely changed my style in her eyes xD hahaha. I felt so close to her in those last few months and it made me sad to think of leaving. While waiting for swim class to start one day she even sat on my lap! This kid refused to even look at me when I first arrived because she was so resentful of the last au pair they'd had! But going to swim class during winter time was very cold so she got to sit on my lap to warm up, we laughed and joked around while other parents and nannies looked at us with smiles on their faces. I guess they could see what a great bond we have and I wished they knew how hard we'd worked to get there! I almost felt mean leaving her at the end of my year. She even let me take her to the hair dresser! She didn't even let me stay in the same room when she got hair cuts before, I had to drop her off and then just go back home!
It's interesting working in someone else's house because there are always things that still surprises you after a whole year. I have always noticed that they have a lot of tooth brushes for some reason. Sometimes more, sometimes less. I know that especially Matteo loves pretending that he's cleaning things and he uses tooth brushes for that. Obviously you don't want to put a soapy tooth brush in your mouth so I understand why they have extras. But one day I decided to count them all and my mind was blown xD They had 26 tooth brushes in a family with two grown ups and three kids! Hahaha what?? I was going to ask Lucille about it but forgot so it'll remain a mystery to me.
Nick is doing so well with his Swedish! I know I have said it before but I am seriously impressed with his pronunciation. He has started to pick up on how the accent sounds like as well. When he was working one day dropping off packages at a UPS store he heard a guy speaking English with an accent. Nick asked him if he happened to be Swedish and he was, haha! For me it's 50/50. Sometimes people ask me where I am from because they can tell that there is something different in the way I speak. And sometimes they are taken be surprise and say "Wait what!? I thought you were American?? Well you sure fooled me." xD
Playing car games with Amanda before going to swim class
When your host kid asks "Why did you dress like a movie star today?"
Uh I didn't... But thanks!
Uh I didn't... But thanks!
Christmas lights in the park
Wearing Nick's sweater at work :) it helped when he worked 15 hours per day and I hardly saw him
Got to take Amanda to the hair dresser :)
Daniel got to bring a little friend home from school that he had to take care of and write a note about what they did
It was fun to get Christmas cards this year since they were to both me and Nick :)
When you're sporting the same robe as your childhood idol... lol! It was Britney's birthday in December 2 so she uploaded this photo to her Facebook and it sure took me by surprise!
And Nick immedietely felt left out ;) haha!